 With longer evenings it was my first opportunity to get down to the Mournes after work in time to hike up a peak before sunset. I had my gear packed and ready to go the night before so I was able to set off quickly once I reached Trassey track. The walk up toward Hares Gap was pleasant. The weather was clear with a light wind from the north really driving the temperature down. This was welcomed during the slog up. I didn’t ascend to Hares gap and instead I took the route up to the right to the saddle between Bearnagh and Meelmore. I stopped along the way to fill up my water container for the night. Once I had done this I could definitely feel the extra weight on my back for he steep ascent from the saddle to Bearnagh summit. I was chasing the setting sun all the way up and arrived at the summit just on time to enjoy the last of it. To get some shelter from the wind I dropped down to the little dip between the North Tor and the summit to pitch the tent.
Stunning views as always from Bearnagh summit.
I pitched in the little dip for some shelter from the northerly.
 As darkness began to fall so did the temperature. In the northerly wind the temperature was forecast to drop to -3C above 700 metres. It certainly felt like it was dropping fast. Fully wrapped up in my down jacket I prepared some soup on the stove and I was quite content. The wind was quite strong on the other side of the Mourne wall so it did take me some time to settle down into a good sleep due to the noise.
I had been hoping that I might wake up to a nice covering of snow the next morning but it was just frosty. The northerly wind still biting hard. There was a small snow shower as I was taking the tent down which I then watched passing down over Ben Crom reservoir as I began to make my way down via the North Tor and Hares Gap.
A frosty view from my tent the next morning.
Looking back toward my camping spot while starting down.
I watched the small snow shower pass down over Ben Crom Reservoir
 From the time I had left the car the previous evening until I returned in the morning I didn’t see a single person.
Check out my long term plan to camp on all of the Mourne 500’s here